
mathieu gueudin, bella yacht , dockmate

Let's meet in Cannes

We will be present on the Dockmate stand at the Cannes Yachting Festival.

Come and benefit from personalized advice from our experts to optimize your browsing experience.

You can be sure that Dockmate is the essential equipment for improving your boat's or yacht's maneuverability and making the most of every sea outing.

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Mooring Reinvented for Your Boat  

Transform Your Navigation Experience with Dockmate

Dockmate is the ultimate solution for simplifying your boat's mooring, offering total control and increased safety. Find out why Dockmate is indispensable for yacht owners:

  • Total control: Pilot your boat precisely and remotely with the intuitive Dockmate remote control.
  • Maximum safety: Reduce the risk of collisions and damage during mooring maneuvers.
  • Adaptability: Compatible with a wide range of boats, whether equipped with inboard or outboard motors.
  • Ease of use: No learning curve - Dockmate is designed to be easy to use, even for novices.
  • Comfort and serenity: Enjoy smooth, stress-free manoeuvring, enhancing your experience at sea.

Why did Bella Yacht choose to represent Dockmate?

Our expertise in yachts and our commitment to offering the best to our customers make us your ideal partner for integrating Dockmate on board your boat. As yacht captains and brokers, we're always keen to bring the best to our customers, and wireless remote controls make navigating while docking and mooring a breeze for both our professional and pleasure customers, giving them a remote cockpit and greater control and security.

Visit our official website to find out more about Dockmate and discover how this technology can transform the way you navigate. 

Inboard motors Monohull

Prestige Yachts 520

Catamaran Shaft line, IPS

Amanda Catamaran Iliad 53

Outboard motors Monohull

David owns a Parker Sorrento

Dockmate® VECTOR

Is your boat already equipped with a Volvo, Zeus or Mercury joystick? Perfect! With the VECTOR, we'll clone the specifications of your joystick, giving you the same sensitivity and precision on your remote control.

Dockmate® TWIST

You've dreamed it, Dockmate has made it a reality! With the TWIST, equip your boat - whether it's equipped with in-line shaft propulsion, surface propellers or baseplates - with a mobile joystick! 

Dockmate® Single

Make life easier in port and maneuver your boat from anywhere on board. Control an engine, bow thruster, stern thruster, one or two thrusters, as well as the horn with separate buttons.

Dockmate® TWIN

Dockmate® TWIN is a wireless extension of your boat's controls, offering the same feel and response time, with exclusive features such as SoftDocking and Throttle+ for an enhanced experience.